Viewing Licenses in a Virtual Account

Selecting a Virtual Account, from the Inventory listed in the Smart Software Manager, displays a Licenses tab for the selected Virtual Account. Click the Licenses tab to display the Licenses table.


Step 1

In the Smart Software Manager screen, select Inventory from the menu options, and then select an existing virtual account from the Virtual Accounts drop-down menu. You can search Virtual Accounts By Name or By Tag by entering the first few letters in the Search field to limit the number of available Virtual Accounts that are displayed.

Step 2

Click the Licenses tab to display all the licenses in your Virtual Accounts.

Step 3

(Optional) You can export the license list to a .csv file from this pane. See

Exporting to CSV Files
Step 4

Click the license ID to see detailed information about a license. The system displays the License Detailed Information dialog box. This dialog box has four tabs: Overview, Product Instances, Event Log, and Order History.

Licenses Table

Viewing the Licenses table can be done at the Summary Level or License Transaction Detail Level as defined below.

Summary LevelViewing the Licenses table at the Summary Level is the default top-level view. Each license at the Summary Level may be comprised of licenses from multiple sources (see License Transaction Detail Level below) and viewable only at the License Transaction Detail Level.
License Transaction Detail Level

Viewing the Licenses table at the License Transaction Detail Level is done by checking the Show License Transactions* check box. Click the plus (+) icon next to the license name to expand the view for each license. The license transaction details vary by source:

  • Device Migration
    • Product SKU, Product SN, Device Details, Product Family, Quantity Purchased, Expiration Date
  • DLC Device Migration
    • Product SKU, Product SN, License Family, Quantity Purchased, Expiration Date
  • PAK Migration
    • PAK #, License SKU, License Family, Quantity Purchased, Expiration Date
  • EA Migration
    • Transaction ID, Customer Suite Name, License SKU, License Family, Quantity Purchased, Expiration Date
  • Manual Fulfillment
    • License SKU, License Family, Quantity Purchased, Expiration Date
  • Order
    • PO #, Cisco Order #, Line #, Customer Name, Ship To Country, License SKU, License SKU Family Name, Quantity Purchased, Expiration Date
  • Device Transfer
    • Product SKU, Product SN, License Family, Quantity Purchased, Expiration Date
  • Device Request
    • Product SKU, Product SN, License Family, Quantity Purchased.

*All license tags associated to the entitlements in your Virtual Account at the License Transaction Detail Level are displayed only if the License Transaction Details drop-down menu in the Preferences tab is set to Visible AND the Show License Transactions check box in the Licenses tab is checked.

The Licenses table provides the following information for each license you have for a Virtual Account.

Column Heading Description
License License identifier (name)
BillingHow the licenses are billed (Prepaid or By Usage)
Purchased Number (quantity) of licenses bought, which may include perpetual and/or term

If there are any upgrade pending licenses, they are identified by (+ quantity pending) in parenthesis () next to the available quantity. For example, if there are 10 regular entitlements and 5 pending upgrade entitlements in a Virtual Account, it would appear as 10 (+5 pending).

Please note: licenses that are billed by usage do not have a predefined number purchased and is indicated by a dash (-) instead of a number. Hover over the dash to see the informational message.

In Use

Number of licenses currently in use along with number of licenses reserved (standard or reporting) in parenthesis (). This applies to all license reservations including factory installed license reservations.

Please note the following: The yellow warning icon appears when any reserved licenses are in transition. Hovering over the icon, the details of why the licenses in transition will be displayed along with the prompt on what to do to resolve so that the licenses are no longer in transition. In-transition licenses will display if a reservation has been updated to reduce the quantity originally reserved. However, when reservation of reporting only licenses has been updated to reduce the quantity, they will not be marked as β€œIn transition.”
  • For licenses synchronized from Smart Software Manager Satellite, they are consumed and reflected here. If there are no licenses (by usage or prepaid) available in the Virtual Account, then an out of compliance alert will appear for that license
  • When a device that requires usage-based entitlements is directly connected to CSSM, it will not allow the device to consume the by-usage entitlements but instead start consuming in prepaid mode
BalanceNumber of licenses that indicates either a surplus (+), shortage (-), or zero (0)

Please note: licenses that are billed by usage are billed monthly and therefore do not have an outstanding balance. Hover over the dash to see the informational message.


Messages alerting the user about actions required (major, minor, informational).

Upgrade Pending – A number of upgrade licenses have been purchased but will not be available until the licenses being replaced have been identified. Click the Upgrade Pending link which will open a modal to complete the upgrade process. The alert is removed when the license upgrade process is completed.


Possible options available:

  • Transfer a number of licenses to/from another Virtual Account Upgrade licenses

License Details

Click on a license listed in the Licenses table to display detailed information on that Virtual Account license. The information is organized under the following tabs.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab displays:

  • Description of the license
  • A graphic illustration (pie chart) of Virtual Account usage of the license
    • Licenses that are duplicates or are pending upgrade are not included in these quantities
  • License expiration details, including the number of licenses, their type, the number of licenses reserved (even those reserved through factory preinstallation), their start/expiration date, and subscription ID (if any).
  • License Types
    • Count (as well as duplicate licenses)
      • If there are any upgrade licenses, they will appear as (pending) in this column
    • Type (Perpetual/Term)
    • Number of licenses reserved
    • Start date
    • Expiration date
    • Subscription ID (if any)

There are three types of Licenses - Perpetual, Demo, and Term - and each are valid for a different period of time. Perpetual licenses remain valid in an ongoing, while Demo Licenses must be renewed after 60 days, and Term Licenses remain valid for specified periods of 1 to 3 years. Licenses are removed from Virtual Accounts as they expire.

Product Instances Tab

The Product Instances tab displays:

  • Product instances
  • Product names
  • Number of licenses used for these Product Instances

Event Log Tab

The Event Log tab displays details on events specific to the license for the selected Virtual Account:

  • Messages describing events
  • Times the events occurred
  • Users associated with the event (either the account owner's CCO ID or "Cisco Support")

To view information on the all of the events at the Smart Account level, including events for all Virtual Accounts associated with your Smart Account, use the Activity link on the Smart Software Manager screen, and then click on the Event Log tab in the Activity screen. To view information on the licensing events specific to a Virtual Account, use the Inventory link on the Smart Software Manager screen, select a Virtual Account from the drop-down menu, and then click on the Event Log tab to display event messages for that Virtual Account.

Licensing Events

The table below provides an overview of licensing events. Users receive the following event messages, referencing the number (<n>) of Licenses (<license-name>) and Virtual Accounts (<va-name>), when licensing events occur in their Smart Account.

Event Message
New Licenses <n> new <license-name> licenses were added to the Virtual Account "<va-name>".
Licenses Transferred <n> <license-name> licenses were transferred from the Virtual Account "<from-va-name>" to the Virtual Account "<to-va-name>"
Licenses Expired <n> "<license-name>" licenses expired and were removed from the Virtual Account "<va-name>"
Licenses Removed <n> "<license-name>" licenses were removed from the Virtual Account "<va-name>".
Insufficient Licenses Detected The Virtual Account "<va-name>" reported a shortage of <n> <license-name> licenses.
Licenses Reserved "The following licenses were reserved on product instance "XXXX" in Virtual Account "XXXX": <Quantity> "Ent 1" License(s) (<Quantity> expiring DD-MMM-YYYY, <Quantity> expiring DD-MMM-YYYY); <Quantity> "Ent 2" License(s) (<Quantity> expiring DD-MMM-YYYY, <Quantity> expiring DD-MMM-YYYY) and <Quantity> "Ent 3" license(s) (<Quantity> perpetual)."
License Upgrade <n> new "<license-name>" term/perpetual licenses were added to the Virtual Account "<va-name>". These licenses will become available when the upgrade is completed by identifying the licenses to be replaced by the upgrade licenses.

Order History

The Order History tab displays license order history including:

  • Order Number
  • Order Line ID
  • Order Date
  • SKU
  • Quantity
  • Start Date
  • Expiration Date

What to Do Next

You can transfer licenses to or from a different Virtual Account.