Alerts Overview
There are two levels of alert messages used in the Smart Software Manager:
- Smart Account alerts - Refer to Smart Account Alerts
- Virtual Account alerts - Refer to Virtual Account Alerts
Alert Icons
Smart Software Manager uses alert icons to bring your attention to actions required to effectively manage your smart products and devices. Major alerts are noted in red icons, with the number of major alerts noted. Minor alerts are indicated by yellow icons, with the number of minor alerts noted.
In the Smart Account alerts screen, these icons provide a summary of the number of Major and Minor alerts listed.
In the Virtual Account alerts screen, these icons are buttons to be used to toggle between displaying the Major or Minor alerts for that specific Virtual Account.
Hide Alerts
In the Virtual Account alerts screen a Hide Alerts button allows you to collapse the details window for major and minor alerts.
Note | You will always be able to view the number of Major and Minor alerts for any Virtual Account by using the drop-down menu in the Virtual Account screen under the Inventory Tab. There you are able to see the Major and Minor Alert Summary window. |